old mice in silk handbags

I was looking at the tax changes in the new budget and I misread something and I thought it was saying that taxes on alcohol were going up TWELVE TIMES and I was having this huge panic freak out attack, planning a bunch of stuff, like all the booze I would go out and buy before it got crazy expensive but then telling myself maybe I shouldn't buy a stock load of alcohol, cus I would alcohol abuse it, and also I was planning some sort of angry rally to stop the budget and telling this girl I know in my head who is conservative and alcoholicy that I told you so that you shouldn't vote for Stephen Harper, even tho I never told her so; at all actually. I was like I cannot believe that the Bloc would get behind this budget! Quebecers will be fucking outraged! I also changed my msn name to something about the increased alcohol tax because I am lame and I was like OH MY GOD THIS IS AN EMERGENCY WE NEED TO START COMMUNICATING ABOUT IT.

That girl in the pink is my friend Sarah and that Willie Nelson looking guy is Willie Nelson. She just opened a store called Papa Wheelies in Hamilton that sells extremely cool bikes that I want and anyone in Hamilton should go buy a bike there and also tell her that I say hi and I love her; that way you will earn coolness points and also get an awesome bike. score.
whoa I read my last post and holy fucking terrible writing.
read it anyways tho,
k thanks,
bye. |

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