I see your emo and raise you three heartaches

Amanda and I found the ULTIMATE EMO PHOTO ZONE. Emo kids will be begging us to take their picture and we will charge them a hundred dollars and a vial of tears. We are gonna go back in sad-ified clothes and maybe wear some make up that expresses our unhapiness with our lot in life. People will be like umm what are you doing? and we will yell YOU JUST DONT UNDERSTAND! at them and then cry and our make up will run even more. I can't wait!

Karaoke was awesome last night cus hardly anyone was there so we got to sing about 6 songs each. We are "practicing" so we can blow everyones mind away when we eventually drag them out to karaoke with us. There is always strange and fascinating characters at karaoke but this woman that was there last night took the fucking cake over the usual parade of metalheads, old drunks, faggy balladeers, angry trannies, and I wish I was a rap- stars. This woman was wearing PRESSED mom jeans and sat around all night by herself smiling away. She reminded me of maybe a lesbian elementary school teacher, I dunno. Anyway she sang DU HAST which is kinda surprising but what was truly amazing was that the words were coming up on the screen in english and she was all pffffft I know the german ones off by heart. That's me; I press my jeans and memorize du hast, and sing it with a smile.

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