christ like behaviour
I am at Amanda's house and there is a bunch of scriptwriters here from her class cus tonights their big ta-da and there is this guy here who I want to fucking kill. He is exactly kind of person who drives me insane and I want to leave just because his presence is so big and horrible. Right now he is yelling about he earned the couch with a subset of skills that are useful to society, then he added society knows nothing!Earlier we were supposed to be taking turns telling interesting stories and his interesting story was about when he was in the university dorms at carleton how they hotboxed the bathroom of some guys dorm room and how then they played nba jam on plays station and how something some plan he had to help out this guy at winning because he was better friends with him blah blah it just went on and on and you kept thinking like any minute now something insane must happen like something will explode but it just went on and on and the point of it turned out to be whoa being high is weird! Like wow the most interesting thing that happened to you is that you were in a fucking a DORM ROOM and SMOKED POT?!?!?!?!!!! He also talks super fucking loud and he weighs prolly three hundred plus pounds and his hair is greasy and long. Now he is saying how his mom fucked him up cus she told him boys can't cry. How about leave goddamm leave leave leave. The other creepy thing is that I know he saw me in my bra and panties for the video I acted in for Amanda project cus he did the credits on them. Also when I came here he introduced himself to me like he never met me before and was like is it Marissa? No it's Melissa and you soooooo know that and you just purposely fucked up my name to a less common name on purpose to seem cool. I wanted to go to the store and I did an open call to see who would go and only he wanted to and I was liek umm yeah no ansd trying to be not obviously god I am not going anywhere alone with YOU and peopel kept on egging me on to go with him and I had to hide my face behind my hair and finally I was like NO SERIOUSLY I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT IT! If I was the queen of a country I would banish all fat inexperienced overbearing greasy socially retarded to some forest and they could run around out-obnoxiousing eachother. |

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