velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

everything is boring and unsatisfactory

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I have a million things to say but I am keeping it all in because a million people know this address. If I were only telling my friends and anonymo's still and I would tell you that I am fucking restless as hell and I would count out a million and one ways that I am dissatisfied but I can't so whatever and maybe I will get over it in the morning anyway. Hey Jess, I think I may go to Toronto maybe Monday till Friday? I want to go to your birthday.... I have to go to the bank. Anyway is that okay?
Who else lives in Toronto? What should I do while I'm there?

p.s. I want everything to be fun all the time and everything to be my way all the time and I have no room to make way for your ego.

K Bye

and also waa waa waaaa nobody gets me

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