the dumbest dumb

Meet Lisi Tesher.
She is the bane of my existence.
Some of you are probably looking at her lucious locks and wondering what she does...
She is just a shitty metro news "journalist" with dumb I-wish-I-was-buttercup-from-the princess-bride-hair.
I dunno if you could even call her a journalist, I suppose she is a "columnist" because she writes columns for the metro news.
For those of you who don't know, the metro news is this shitty small daily free paper that is available at bus stations and wherever across cities in Canada.
She has two columns. One is called "a woman's world" and one is called "relating".
You would think that a little paper like the Metro would want to have columns that are either
a) entertaining
b) informative
but her columns are neither.
Instead they are supposed to make you REFLECT on things, like you are supposed to read her columns and then go life sure is funny isn't it? or maybe you are supposed to let out some really deep thoughtful sigh or maybe you are supposed to take stock of all the things that are good in your life and then appreciate them after you read her columns. BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY WHEN ARE BORED AND WAITING FOR THE BUS TO COME A FUN ACTIVITY TO PASS THE TIME IS MUSING ON THE "FUNNY" THINGS AND TAKING STOCK OF THE GOOD IN YOUR LIFE.
Anyway, some of her columns are just run of th mill terrible. The last one I read was just blah blah oh we women are always so busy dressing our kids in the morning blah blah blah.....lets reflect on it....whatever, but some of them are extra superbly over the top terrible because she asks you to reflect on things in extremely fucked up ways.
Like, okay-Remember when that girl got reunited with her parents a few months back and she had been missing for 11 years or so because some guy had kidknapped her and made her live in his basement for all that time. She wrote an article sort of about that, but not really, the message of the article was that you should take stock of the women in your life and appreciate them, so she just kinda talked about that girl and was all Imagine that! No woman to explain tampons to you when you get your period! No girlfriend gabfests! I think this is good time to think about how great it is to have women in our lives! and you are reading it like whoa, umm how about it is a better time to think about how great it is that we aren't locked in basements by crazy people for eleven years.
I want to punch her when I think about it.
Here is a short summation of another one of her really bad articles. I have no idea what the subject of the article is supposed to be.
Isn't it funny how people are different? My partner (and yes she says partner) and I come from different backgrounds. He is from a small town and I used to think they were very backwoods but then one day I read that they were getting a strip club in their town. Wow I didn't know that small towns could be so worldly. ( the worldly is said non-ironically) They don't even have a sushi restaurant! Who would think that a strip club could survive there! (How fucking retarded do you have to be to think that there would be a greater demand for sushi in rural areas than naked women-seriously she is so fucking moronic it makes me mad)
Well I've never been to one but I am aware that there are a fair number of "pole dancing venues"( sorry, do you mean STRIP CLUBS?!) in the greater Toronto area and other urban centres. Some of my friends took stripercize classes and they said it was fun. Not every woman wants to be a stripper tho, I think the moral of the story is that my husbands cultural differences make him, well, more interesting. Email me about how your partner is quirky!!!!!!!
Ugh I am not even exaggerating; that is how bad the article is. You can read the long version here.
Whatever, I should email her and pretend I am a guy and say how my partner is quirky because she is the worst fucking columnist in the world and she says things that are so stupid they make me feel like tearing chunks of my brain out so that I can listen to them without wanting to punch her in the big stupid hair metal hair. |

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