good seeds and bad deeds
I had sort of a crappy day, or I felt like crap all day I guess and it made the day crappy. Ugh. I went to the bookstore this morning. Which, okay good job on being awake in the morning Melissa but mleh. I was in there looking at this art book sitting on the floor and this woman tells me how there is chairs over by the window, then she starts telling me how she is a retired criminalogist and how I need to watch out for evil and how there is a killer on the loose basically and says to me ever heard of Jack the ripper? and kinda gives me a look like. Beware. Then she is about to leave and notices my cross necklace and is like I like your necklace, and takes out her cross necklace and is all Jesus solidarity! with me and she kinda says how she really does think it protects her. I got mega-spooked out for the rest of the day because1. I am already crazy paranoid enough as is that some woman all foreshadowing that about evil extra scares the shit out of me.
2. Since she is fucking crazy in a way that I sort of related to I got scared that she was like, I dunno, the ghost of Christmas future; like that was the world introducing me to myself in the future. Hi p.s. you are total nutjob by the time you reach 45. Peace out.
Guess what?
I am sober today.
I got a new Chet Baker cd today but it has a lot of those fast kinda frantic instrumental jazz tunes that I don't care for as much as just plainer ones with singing. It was playing upstairs and the downstairs cd player had started playing my parents Loreena Mackennit cd and it is really not good to hear those kinds of sounds all jumbled together. Why the fuck does Loreena Mackennit try to sound so ethereal all the time? I was thinking probably when she was a kid that she had a voice teacher that was always yelling at her like WE CAN'T HEAR YOU IN HEAVEN! so now she is obsessed with singing like that. The same voice teacher probably taught "enya" too. |

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