really big sleepovers

I went to Wallacks today. That is the art store. I wasn't even intending to go there I just kind of wanted to avoid seeing this homeless guy because I told him that I didn't have any change but really I did and I knew that he saw me go into Tim Hortons so rather than face up to my lie to him I decided to go for a walk down the road the other way for a bit. The art store makes me crazy I just walk around picking things up that I want and then putting things down when I find other stuff I want more. I am really excited about my purchase today tho. I bought a bunch of coloured inks. Like, india ink style but coloured. The boxes for the ink are really pretty with different drawings on them and the inks themselves come in these little glass jars. The colours are romantically named, or maybe it's the drawing that makes the names romantic to me. Emerald has a drawing of a pretty emerald that makes me think of the emerald city, vermillion has soldiers, sunshine yellow has a pretty sun and a pin up girl. I will probably just take pictures and show you later. All the way home on the bus I kept thinking about living before ballpoint pens and writing letters to my lover away at war. Another thing about the inks is that when you hang out with them you kind of don't hate the word yesteryear as much as a decent person should.
I decided that I pretty much hate people with regular jobs. We are still doing Christmas parties at work for loser companies that couldn't get it together before Christmas and even when they aren't that annoying I still feel the need to hate them. The thing is office parties are the lamest thing in the world and I don’t work in that environment so that I don't have to go to those kind of parties, then I go into my work and it is like I am stuck at somebody else’s lame office party. Ugh. I don't like them because one people are annoying in large groups, especially large groups of non-waitress' because they just wander all around and I dunno, are hard to wait on. At the shows they barely laugh or drink because people are afraid of judgement from their co-workers. The reason I hate them most of all tho is that they always get some head honcho to give them all a good speech which is invariably too corney for words. Head Honcho always starts off my by making a million terrible jokes and everyone laughs their asses off because it is like this big deal that head honcho is making any sort of joke at all. Then head honcho gets all serious and says how awesome everyone is that works there and gets kind of emotional like and says something retarded like NO REALLY, you guys are all trees in a forest of success . That is usually the point of the night where I am like NO SERIOUSLY, I hate office parties. Oh yeah, and sometimes they have lots of head honchos give different speeches. And sometimes the head honchos read their gratitude speeches off of a paper and it sounds extra ungrateful because there is these awkward pauses in between words like I am so........grateful to my all their......hard work.
Before Christmas some of the parties were doing gift exchange things with little games and stuff and that was always a big hilarious fest for everyone at the office.
One party one day was playing this game where they had to answer a question to win their present. The questions were terrible, like one was WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST REGRET. wtf? Why even ask that. Dude, it is an office party not some intimate under the covers gabfest.
Dear office,
Since we love sharing and caring so much at our office, we have decided on a intimate sleepover theme to our annual Christmas party. You are in for a treat because we sewed 40 blankets together and we are going to camp out underneath it and exchange secrets. If you don't want to come you can stay at work by yourself and everyone will think you are a weirdo.
Anyway, another question was What is your favourite food? and the lady answered chocolate and then everyone fucking killed themselves laughing like that was just the most hilarious thing they had ever heard in their life.
That is a picture of me in my bed. When I am too tired to paint or write or play electronic sudoku I usually lie in bed and take pictures of myself and my room. Do you feel like you are having a sleepover with me? What is your biggest regret? Also, do most people have a single big regret or is it just more of I wish I was not so much of a dumb ass in general.
p.s. In case you are thinking about it, don't leave any comments on my blog that are all NO REGRETZ! That shit gets on my nerves. Everybody’s done some things they regret. |

1 comment(s):
Biggest regret is not taking care of myself when I was younger. Now I do, but I'm old and saggy and no-one cares.
Anonymous, at
3:12 p.m.
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