melissa and me-man in TOO MUCH PREGNANCY!
I was out of my regular schedual for the last couple weeks and now I that I am getting back into it I am like umm what the fuck? is this my life? I just go to the crappy coffee shop and work and then get drunk and then find a drive home?yup.
and it's boring.
and the coffee shop fucking sucks.
Ugh. It is extra bad right now because entire vanilla families are in there since they are on vacation. Being in there feels like hanging out at a community arts and crafts sale or something. Gay city.
There was a man sitting next to me today and he had all these papers with him and they had all these graphs or like, you know, flow boxes like with words written inside them and little arrows pointing all around them. It was weird cus that's all he had and he was drawing them on blank papers and I was wondering what the hell kind of work he could be doing. I was thinking; maybe it is not work related, MAYBE HE IS MINDMAPPING. I checked one of the papers and I read something like mega-system something or other. All I could make out was mega system so I guess he was not mind mapping. I think maybe he was just kinda trying to look important. You know like me and my higlighter go everywhere together, we have a lot of business to attend to.
That is a song you know. Me and My Highlighter. I wrote it, in case you are wondering. So far the only words in it are
"me and my highlighter,
we go everywhere together,
cus we have a lot of business to attend to"
I might write some more for it later.
There was also a family in there and they had one of their kids dressed up in all this kinda Nepalese handicraft type stuff and it annoyed me.
I think I'm gonna get baptised because I am a weirdo. Lately I have been thinking about the value of forgiveness and its ties to the Christian religion. Also one day on vacation I had to babysit my brother in the room and I had nothing to do so I read some of the bible. It's pretty funny. I mean there are some serious parts I like, but then there is also some pretty funny stuff in there too. At the end of John it says something like
"and jesus did a lot of other things too but I suppose if I told them to you, one by one, that even the whole world wouldn't be big enough to hold the book"
So you see, me and Jesus have a lot in common, we just can't be bothered to keep you all up to date on the miracles we perform. Theres no goddam room in the world to keep the list!!!!
Oh yeah, another good part in the bible is revelations. I don't really get what's supposed to be going on but it is all about seven angels coming to earth or something and this guy is telling you about them and how this one angel stands part on land and part on water and has a rainbow around its head and thunder talks. That angel is like eat this book and it will taste sweet in your mouthe and bitter in your stomache.
I think we all know what that means.
errr that's a joke.
I saw this guy in the Dominican and he had magic markered Jesus's face onto the headlight of his moped. I quite liked it. I mean I like the whole "Jesus is my lucky charm" factor of religion. Anyway, the other night I was thinking about it and I think I could believe in Jesus dying on the cross to save us from our sins in kinda the same way that I believe that giant tiger bags are possessed with magical properties. I figure maybe Jesus and the badluck giant tiger bags could kinda duke it out in my mind or something.
I got an amber cross pendant and I like wearing it and feeling pious. My dad keeps calling it a crucifix and I am like ugh, shut up I am not warding off vampires. |

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