gay alert

Okay, I am back from my vacation and it was pretty good. I need weaning off fat-assery. I don't think I've ever spent so much time lying down/eating and drinking in my life. Also I smoked when I was down there because I am a moron I guess.
It was pretty weird. I've never been to resort type of thing before and I just felt kind of guilty and trapped when I first got in. You drive by all this poverty and then you go to spoiled white people land it feels really weird. I did get to get out some eventually and I felt a little happier after that. It's hard for me to write about a trip because I write so much about details and a week in a new country is a lot of details to notice I suppose.
It is colourful and beautiful there. I daydreamed about moving there and painting for a living. Maybe I will someday but I don't think I could go alone. Dominican men are very horney/forward. I really wanted to ask the local girls if that was how they acted especially to the tourists or how THEY dealt with it because I couldn't understand it. On the resort the staff didn't hit on you much but if you went into a store it was constant. One Canadian guy told me it was jigalo-ish seducer type thing. I dunno maybe I'll expand later about it later. People sing and dance everywhere they go and I was jealous of that kind of open culture. People can dance like crazy and it makes you feel totally uncool and white. The thing is tho, that the one time I danced with a local at a club it was just him rubbing his hard on all over me and it was gross. I guess I would prefer to live on the fine line between anal retentive-boring-Ottawa-culture and the fun and open-but-agreeing-to-dance-with-me-means-I-get-to-rub-my-dick-all-over-you-culture.
Whatever I bought a book on punctuation because I wanted to learn about dashes but I still don't know how to use them properly.
Oh, I got a stocking for Christmas and I got the worst book ever inside it. It is called "Gardens of Delight" and it is sort of a coronation street type-small british town drama/romance book about a bunch of people who are obsessed with gardening. And every chapter ends in some dumb short suspenseful sentance.
Ugh. I am embarrassed to say that I am about three quarters through it, since getting it yesterday. Oh yeah, it is also A LOT about senior citizens. There is this one main character in it named Helen who is 45. I know that isn't senior citizen status but, she is married to this old rich guy and she is BFF with this senior citizen (who keeps having dizzy spells but won't tell anyone because he cant deal with getting old) plus she runs this business where she takes seniors to doctor or the mall or wherever. Helen just moved into this house that had a really fancy garden but then the senior who had lived there died and it got all deteriorated so she joins a garden club to learn about fixing it up. Anyway, it is pretty weird because it is all gay garden talk stuff and then it jumps to her husband pounding her after his brief spell of erectile dysfunction. Just recently, we found out she only married the rich guy because he paid for her grandma's expensive nursing home and the grandma was getting raped at the old one. Helen is also SURPRISE! pregnant! She is in love with the nephew of her senior citizen BFF because, even tho she she only talked to him five times or so, this one time her grandma told the guy about her dead husband giving it to her in the woods and instead of being all awkward about it he was kind.
Whatever, now I want to go read it. I keep reading gay parts of it out loud to my sister. Maybe, I will highlight some good quotes and copy them down here for you later.
Blah. Pictures tomorrow maybe. |

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