was it EGGspensive?

I am drinking a glass of wine from a bottle that my parents gave me in the summertime. They got it from my stepmothers father who homebrewed it or knew somebody who homebrewed it, I dunno. The cork has a big "M" written on it for "Merlot", or as my step-grandfather would say "Mer-LAWT"
Remember when I was telling you about how there was an excessive amount of nuts here? Well today my dad is eating some pecans and he is like hey yeah you can eat these which is funny and ridiculous because naturally I assume that I am permitted to eat them in the same way that I assume I am permitted to drink from the bountiful supply of tap water. Anyway the reason my dad felt it neccessary to mention that I could eat the nuts is that my stepmother has spent the last four days in the hospital because of some weird appendicitis offshoot type thing that SHE GOT FROM EATING TOO MANY NUTS. So I dunno, the moral of the story is that when I say that somebody went nuts (haha) BOY, DO I MEAN IT.
Ryan is going home tomorrow morning.
After he is gone I am going to go buy this book and then cozy up and read. Ugh, actually now I am unsure about that book after I was reading about it. Update on THAT story to follow. Maybe I should just print of a bunch of stuff off the internet about punctuation. AGHHGHGGH actually I am doing it now and it makes me feel weird and stupid and totally overwhelmed.
Oh yeah, also Ryan's camera battery died super fast so we didn't get to film the yarn video properly. We turned it into a crappy joke art video about a pair of friends' wild ride into the world of those who become "excited" by yarn.
I went to see Casino Royale today. The best part is how the girl "Vesper" looks like Jess. The second best part of the movie is at the beginning when some hottie is riding a horse down a beach and all these little kids are chasing her and I say yeah I totally do that all the time at Cavendish beach.
I don't like movies really.
p.s. In case you want to find me, just google I AM A FUCKUP. |

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