naptime for plato
I can't stop listening to CBC radio. Does that make me seem smart? Probably not. Usually I wake up and listen to it until I fall asleep again and then I listen to it some more. I didn't leave my room until 2 oclock this afternoon because I was listening to the radio. I was listening to this show this afternoon that was like a call-in show where people were calling in and telling this woman and this ecology professor about what signs of global warming they had seen in where they lived so it was like just people calling in saying how they saw a mosqito on boxing day or how such and such flowers were blooming in their backyard and the professor was all hmm shocking we are in for a bumby ride till the end of time type of thing and I could not stop listening because it is like I am dying to know what the next caller is gonna say.holy shit, nice sentance
Also my favourite part about call-in shows is listening for when sort of crazy people call in and hearing how the host deals with them and predicting when they will cut them off the line. I get kind of nervous on the hosts behalf, like I imagine if I were the host what I would say and when I would be pressing the hang up button. That part of listening to the radio is sort of an adventure. Today there was a guy who called in and he was insisting that all of southern Ontario used to have the same weather always in three day cycles in the 80's and they were all uhh I don't know about that... and he was like NO SERIOUSLY, I used to work three days on, three days off in a factory. The weather was a big joke.
Anyway, I also started eating out by myself every single day and now all the waiters and waitresses in my neighbourhood know what I want and I think that it is maybe embarrassing. |

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