ding dong

Okay. This is a lame post but I want people to talk about their opinions on this. I have one joke where I start off by saying that I was drugged and raped at a party as a teenager. I then go on and say about how since that time I havn't felt conected to my sexual experiences and how I havn't been able to maintain a normal healthy relationship with a guy and that everytime things don't work out I end up feeling that it's because I am damaged goods. Then I say that I had to do a lot soul searching before I finally realised that getting raped was pretty much like proof that I am super pretty and I say how I am gonna enter beauty contests and win them and how I even have a really good magic trick because I can turn a bottle of beer into an unwanted pregnancy. Usually people laugh at it, sometimes not but last night this young girl was just just telling me off for it and blah blah how offensive it is etc etc. I told her that I think it is actually a very feminist joke because it actually talks about some of the real problems that happen to women after that sort of experience and that obviously it is dark and supposed to come from a "place of pain". I think telling me not to tell it, is like feminists who are like umm you have to not shave your pits or else you are ruining things for the rest of us style. Anyway, she was not caring to hear my opinion on it and I thought she was maybe gonna hit me. Ugh, anyway. Talk to me about if you think that joke is offensive to women or not.
This is me reminding myself to bitch about Lisi Tesher later. |

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