velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

carpet grime


I dont have any time to tell you guys too much. I need to shower before I go to work because last night I was changing into my pyjamas after I got home and I noticed that I had dripped somebody's garbage food from a plate that I cleared all down my breasts and the mystery sauce was all over my bra and I said to myself that I was gross and needed to shower before I go into work today.

I might be moving to Toronto in the fall and I am stressing out about it because I dont have any money and I am still not sure and I just want to know whats going on because I have a lot of stuff to figure out. I'm also going home this summer and to just for laughs and still really need braces bler blah bleh. Anyway, I am starting to buy lottery tickets BECAUSE YOU CAN'T WIN THE LOTTERY IF YOU DON"T PLAY THE LOTTERY.


1 comment(s):

Well said.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:27 p.m.  

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