velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

If you can't afford to play the cob lottery

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Do you want to look at some pictures? Sure you do.

Actually if you guys are really bored you can read my homework blog. It is for my colour class. So yeah basically it is me posting pictures of things that have colours and being like hmmmm colours. By hmm I mean, you know, scratching my chin.  Anyway since I have to do that I have some pictures.

Oh it is

Also, if you do boredom look at it, you should leave a comment like NICE PIC! because I feel like a dumbo making a blog that no one will read except my teacher at the end of class. 

Also I wanted to tell you that the only downfall of living alone is how much I eat peanut butter straight out of the jar. It is pretty much all I can think about when I am home. That's what happened to me last time I lived alone too. REMEMBER??

Oh haha read those-I am so funny.....

Oh yeah, anyway I am supposed to be swearing to myself that I am not gonna buy anymore peanut butter after this jar is done. It's so hard though. I don't know what I am going to eat instead.


1 comment(s):

Don't give up peanut butter! Unless you are going to something like Nutela...that's an acceptable replacement to eat straight from the jar.

By Blogger Queen of the Universe, at 5:19 a.m.  

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