velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

streched out on the table

Oh okay just when I was logging in now they were doing that thing where they flash blog names that just got updated on blogger and one of them was called "my cyber playground" which just sounds like some sort of bad kid luring site. Also, can we please just retire the word the word cyber. Thanks cyber, you served us well in the 90's when we were all new at the internet but we don't need you anymore. Ugh seriously, you don't name your notebooks "my paper playground" or write smutty love letters and call them "paper sex".

And that subject is over.


Holy fuck school is a lot of work. How do this many people do this? I am supposed to be writing an essay right now but so far all I have are a bunch of dramatic sentences and ideas and no form and ugh. How do people do this? I kind of start to cry when I even think about writing essays. I want this stupid degree and I want to do well but I suddenly feel very out of my league.

I am trying to write a short descriptive essay about home and I don't know maybe that is too big of a thing inside me for me to be writing about...maybe I should just be like oh it's so pretty and cute and my mom lives there, sigh isn't turkey wonderful blah blah blah but instead here I am writing NOBODY OWNS THE OCEAN and trying to explain that the ocean is like the sky but IN YO FACE because you can smell it and hear it and duuuuude, it is right in front of you, you do not even have to look up.

There is a reason why everything that I write is jokey. Actually, I am a very serious person, or rather, I mean that I think about things in a very serious way and I need to joke all the time or else I would just constantly be in tears at how beautiful and terrible everything is.

In other news my browser shuts down everytime that I try to add a picture to this post. This computer keeps acting up, I think that I need to buy a new one and I can't afford it. Also if I do have to buy one should I go big and get a mac? opinions please.....


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