velvet 17th century mace year of women and children first

The Lewd Angel

I accept your inacceptance of my acceptance to just draw boners and fanatasize about telling off waitresses.

In case you are wondering what goes on in Toronto basically it is a bunch of guys hanging out who have moustaches and wolves on their t-shirts and girls riding around on bicycles in short shorts and floral high waisted skirts with long hair that flutters about romantically in the wind. Seriously, I am pretty sure that I will have to start wearing my hair in a stern bun when I ride my bike just to avoid turning into a cliche.

I got a job at a hipster bar sort of and so far I think sucks and I hate it but maybe that will improve. Ugh, if things were my way I would put up this sign in the door

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.....but then the sign itself would be kinda ironic and I dunno the world would probably implode like from some sort of irony paradox type thing.

Ugh, I really wanted to quit tonight. It is pretty hard work and not great pay I don't think but the other thing is that I don't know; I think maybe all new jobs suck because you don't know where anything is or what you are supposed to be doing and you just feel like everyone hates your guts.

In other news my hair is so nice and curly and full lately.

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Too bad I am not all low light pixelated all the time. I think my magically hilarious fun time in Toronto is over now that I have to go to school and work. I am pretty pumped about school but also pretty freaked out/scared that I will fail it all. I guess just, work hard and I'll do fine????
*self pep talking here*

oh man. Okay, formal writing scares the crap out of me as I'm sure I have discussed at length on this blog but something happened that made me feel kinda better in my english class the other day. We read William Faulkners Nobel prize acceptance speech and then discussed it and holy what the hell? I am pretty sure that I was the only person in class who even said it was a nice piece of writing....most of the comments were like umm, he uses A LOT of run on sentances and one fagotty art kid was like ummm, like, could you like, explain, like, what like, it is like supposed to be about, like, because I like, don't get it...

He actually said it that way. There was a guy sitting next to me taking class minutes or something writing everything that was happening down and GAWD if I were him I would have had to just type

Also it made me realise how challenging it must be to be a teacher sometimes because wow I don't know how I would have answered that.

Anyway I just cut my knee on my crap computer stand. Also I like how I am like duh? how can you not get what that speech is about? and in the meantime I am just writing about how my hair looks nice and I cant stand looking at wolf t-shirts anymore. Also tho, one more thing- thinking about the wolf t-shirts makes me think about this secret pack of magic wolves and they like bound out of the shirts at night, I mean they escape the prison of the t-shirts and hunt down something or other, okay I hadn't gotten that far in my fantasy yet.



1 comment(s):

I too live in TO and have noticed a dramatic increase in the Wolf T-Shirts, very odd. I have wondered if there is a specific store that sells these or if they are mail order or something. Strange stuff.

By Blogger Scott, at 10:51 p.m.  

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