The Sane Clown Posse

Okay so I am at some dirty internet cafe right now because I am wanting to go visit Amanda and I am already near her house but she didn't get off work yet. I need to pee like crazy and this pop up for "the fart button~you know you wanna press it" keeps coming up. I hate that one because the truth is I am really curious about what it is. I do really wanna press it but I hate that they are right.
Some dude here is just staring at me. He's wearing a red bandana tied around a hat and he is pretty fat, I dunno if he works here or what....
I think I'm gonna pee and come right back.
Okay, I'm back. I wish I had my camera; I left it at Monique's the other day. There is a bathtub in the bathroom and a note asking you to put all your toilet paper in the garbage can because it could get stuck in the pipe and clog the chamber pot. There is also a bunch of japanimation pornos down there.
I was thinking a bit more about those face make up guys from the other day and I figured out that I don't think they are Juggalos(a.k.a. insane clown posse (HORRORCORE HIP HOP CHRISTIANS) fans), I think that maybe just maybe they were teenagers excited about the big 666 day, showing solidarity with the underlord by creating a colourful display of their devotion on their faces using halloween make up and a little bit stylish zest.
What else can I tell you about? I have another twenty minutes to waste here. My feet stink.
Umm I applied for jobs today even tho I hate working because I seriously do need to start owning some money. Oh I ate some donair sauce and won 40 dollars at the casino last night.
Amanda just signed in she's home.
Bye. |

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